
Program Evaluators

Improving Technical Education

51²è¹Ý accreditation would not be possible without our 51²è¹Ý Experts — professionals from industry, academia and government dedicated to contributing to their professions through the ongoing improvement of the quality of technical education.

We rely on our experts to evaluate program materials, visit campuses and participate in accreditation decisions. Most begin their service as program evaluators, who do the hands-on work of accrediting 4,674 programs at 920 institutions in 42 countries. Those with the strongest leadership abilities are promoted into the ranks of the commissions, each serving as a team chair – responsible for leading teams of evaluators.

More than 2,200 dedicated STEM professionals from academia, industry and government form the heart of our peer-based accreditation services. These well-respected experts are the face of 51²è¹Ý, representing us at campuses around the world.

To meet the worldwide demand for ABET Accreditation, we are expanding the number of program evaluators.

Why Become A Program Evaluator?

Thousands of technical professionals give their time and expertise because they care deeply about the quality of technical education and believe the accreditation process enhances both individual programs and the professions.

There are many reasons to become a program evaluator. Read our Spotlight testimonials to learn more about the people who make 51²è¹Ý one of the leading accreditors in the world.

The experience of serving on a review team can be both personally and professionally rewarding because it offers opportunities to:

  • Help assure 51²è¹Ý accreditation criteria reflect contemporary practice and the expectations of the technical professions and their key constituents;
  • Gain insight into “best practices” and trends in technical education and the particular characteristics of individual schools and programs; and
  • Benefit from interaction and networking with committed peers beyond the usual boundaries of geography, sector and discipline.

Become an 51²è¹Ý Program Evaluator