Memoranda of Understanding

Memoranda of Understanding

We use Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and Letters of Intent (LOI) to formalize and structure our collaborative efforts with peer accrediting agencies outside the United States during their developmental period.

Unlike a Mutual Recognition Agreement, an MOU does not recognize the “substantial equivalency” of an organization’s accreditation processes or graduates’ preparedness to begin professional practice.

Activities through an MOU (or LOI) may include the sharing of best practices, assisting organizations in the development of accreditation processes, and providing training workshops for staff and volunteers of peer organizations.

Currently Maintained MOUs and LOIs



Central America











Saudi Arabia

National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment


Chinese Taipei


Western Hemisphere Initiative (Mexico and Canada)

Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) of the 

Letter of Intent

Ministry of Higher Education, Ukraine

Guidelines for Establishing Memoranda of Understanding

Entering into Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with appropriate higher education agencies or organizations in other countries is one mechanism by which we promote continuing quality improvement of collegiate programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology education around the world.

The Global Council receives regular requests for to provide technical assistance to organizations outside the U.S. in developing or gaining recognition for their accreditation systems—through a wide range of activities including sharing our experience in the field of accreditation, general information on our policies and procedures, criteria development seminars, evaluator training, and observer visits. Such activities are formalized through Memoranda of Understanding.


The Global Council (GC) also establishes processes for mutual recognition of 51-accredited programs in the United States and corresponding programs in other countries through Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs). We participate in MRAs including the Washington Accord, Sydney Accord, Dublin Accord, and Seoul Accord.

As a developing accreditation system matures, the controlling higher education agency or organization may elect to apply to participate in an existing multi-lateral Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) with other accrediting organizations.

An MRA is initiated outside the terms of the MOU, and the request to participate in an MRA is directly submitted from the agency to the appropriate accord secretariat. We may be asked to formally sponsor such an application, and mentor that accrediting agency through provisional status. However, the MOU does not bind us in any way to support such activities.

Learn More

Please contact our Senior Manager – International Relations for more information about MOUs.